About Us

Benue State Examinations Board was established by the Benue State Edict No.5 of 1994 in compliance with the Federal Ministry of Education and Youth Development’s Guidelines on uniform standards for Junior School Certifiates Examinations

The Board was inaugurated in Benue State on the 7th June, 1996, by the commissioner for Education Dr. David Ker and charged with the responsibilities of general control of, and conduct of the following Examinations;

    1. Basic Education Certificate Examination (BECE) for students in Basic 9 formerly known as JSS3
    2. MOCK – Senior School Certificate Examination  (SSCE). formerly for students in SS3, but currently written in SS2 as pre-requisite for promotion to SS3 and registration for WAEC and NECO SSCE.
    3. Federal Craft Certificate Examination (FCCE) for final year students in technical colleges
    4. External Basic Education Certificate Examination (EBECE) for students of Continuing Education Centers which are coordinated by the Adult and Non-formal Education Agency (ANFEA)
    5. Appointment of Supervisors, Examiners, Moderators, Invigilators, members of subjects panel and committees and other persons concerned with examinations and any other matter incidental there-to
    6. Determining of Examination fees
    7. Awarding of Certificates namely; Certificate of Primary Education, Basic Education Certificate, Federal Craft Certificate and Teachers’ Grade II Certificate
    8. Monitoring and coordinating of Continuous Assessments in Schools
    9. Carryout research into how other examination Bodies conduct their activities with a view of improving the conduct of examinations conducted by the Board

Our Vision
To be technologically driven and leading center of assessment for quality education

Our Mission
To ensure continued improvement of quality, validity and reliability of assessment and innovative evaluation of the curriculum and learners achievement

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